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Is SOGEA a future-proof business broadband option?

Internet technology is developing all the time. When most users made the move from dial-up to broadband, then to fibre broadband, the changes felt extraordinary.

There haven’t been too many major developments since then. But SOGEA could be the difference-maker.

If you’re unfamiliar with SOGEA broadband, and what it could mean for your business broadband, keep reading…

What is SOGEA broadband?

SOGEA stands for ‘Single Order Generic Ethernet Access.’

It sounds complicated. But its purpose is easy to understand.

In layman’s terms, SOGEA is a form of superfast broadband connection that doesn’t require customers to order landline services for their phone line as well.

How? It works by delivering data across an existing traditional copper phone line, rather than voice calls. Meaning if you don’t want to include landline services to make and receive phone calls as part of your broadband package, you don’t have to. If you’ve got a traditional phone line installed, SOGEA doesn’t need a landline option to stay operational.

But if you want to use an internet voice service alongside data to keep your phone number active, you can. Look into a VoIP phone system or similar internet voice services.

Benefits of SOGEA broadband

SOGEA superfast broadband speeds

Despite the lack of a phone line, SOGEA broadband is still able to deliver broadband connection speeds of up to 80mbps, according to British Telecom.

Given average broadband connection speeds in the UK are around 50mpbs, this presents a tempting option for businesses.

Or if customers were to opt for the SOGFast option, which provides faster speeds with slightly different technology, they’d be able to reach speeds of up to 330mbps.

FTTP (Fibre To The Premises) options still beat SOGEA when it comes to broadband speeds. But given fibre connections are not available in all homes or businesses right now, SOGEA is a fitting and practical alternative.

SOGEA broadband is widely available

As we just discussed, a fibre broadband solution beats SOGEA in the speed department.

But SOGEA has one important advantage over FTTP – it’s available virtually everywhere.

FTTP is limited by the slow rollout of more advanced fibre broadband lines, with millions still waiting for their existing phone line to be updated.

With SOGEA, the technology is available quickly and easily today, with no need to wait for any more advancements.

This makes SOGEA an ideal choice for businesses that need a fast and reliable internet connection.

Plus, it’s likely newer fibre options won’t be available in all areas, with some businesses feeling the pinch due to their location.

For these businesses, SOGEA is well worth considering.

SOGEA broadband doesn’t need a landline

Whenever you compare broadband deals online, broadband and landline options are almost always clumped together.

This is even though many households and businesses simply don’t need a telephone line to make phone calls in 2023. Thanks to developments in internet communication tech, we’re all more connected than ever.

Plus, according to statistics, the number of British homes with an active landline has plummeted by 4 million over the past two decades.

Today, many people only have a landline so they can have access to broadband internet. SOGEA doesn’t come with this added burden. 

SOGEA broadband is cost-effective

The lack of a needed phone line means SOGEA isn’t just a great step forward from a technological standpoint, it’s also cost-effective, too.

Coming in at around 30% cheaper than landline alternatives, it’s no wonder so many businesses are looking to SOGEA to fulfil their business broadband needs.

also approximately 30% cheaper than most FTTP connections, making it a great money-saving option.

SOGEA broadband is quick and easy to install

Traditional phone lines are a tricky business.

How many times have you seen an engineer toiling away trying to fix a landline problem? And how many times have you had to call one yourself?

SOGEA is nowhere near as tiresome. Customers simply need to place an order and the technology is up and running in one quick installation of a new router, or a single visit from a qualified technician.

With minimal disruption, businesses can be back up and running in no time – with virtually no impact on profits or productivity.

Is SOGEA broadband ‘future-proof?’

Here’s the interesting part. 

By 2025, the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) will be completely shut down.

If you’re not familiar with PSTN, it’s the technology that has upheld traditional analogue and digital phone lines, along with ADSL connections, for years. But new technology has rendered it obsolete.

What’s scary is that a lot of businesses are still running on the PSTN phone line. The clock is ticking for them to decide on their new business broadband and phones.

SOGEA customers don’t need to worry about the switch-off, though. They don’t rely on the old phone lines and are free to continue as normal.

So while fibre technology is playing catch-up and PSTN lines are being put to sleep, SOGEA looks like a reliable, relatively future-proof option.

If you think a SOGEA broadband service and an internet voice service are the right moves for your business, get in touch with Elite Group. Their experience in SOGEA and the business broadband space make them the perfect choice to get your business broadband and phones future-proofed before 2025.

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