Following a glitzy hiatus, ITV’s beloved tilt-a-treadmill show, Dancing on Ice, finally returns to our screens for its 2025 season. This sensational series is one that many fans are excited to welcome back as it combines celebrity performances with stunning ice skating. Here’s all you need to know about the full set list and what to expect from the return of the hit series.
ALL STAR LINEUP! New Stars Shine On The SUnday Night Rink
The 2025 season will offer a blend of well-known names and up-and-coming talent. Returning stars include:
Tom Fletcher: The ex- McFly star returns to the ice with some added sparkle.
Jennie Finch: The Olympic softball star is bringing her athletic prowess to a new field. She is excited about her journey on Dancing on Ice.
Sam Quek: Bringing the drama and dedication is Sam, famous for his role in *Emmerdale.
Newcomers joining them include:
Ella Henderson: This pop princess plans to wow the judges and audiences alike with her performances.
Michael Ball: Long-running musical theatre star will lend his vocal and physical talents to the competition. He hopes to thrive Dancing on Ice.
Sarah Harding: Reality TV darling brings her ‘sparkle’ to the party.
Incredible Professional Skaters to Watch
In total, they will learn on ice with a cast of professional skaters. This season features:
Brian Orser: The Olympic medalist is back as the head coach and brings the depth of his expertise. His guidance will greatly benefit Dancing on Ice competitors.
Vicky Ogden: Vicky is famed for her poise on ice and will guide newcomers looking to improve their routines.
Matt Evers: An energizing presence in rehearsals, Matt will work with contestants to polish their routines and bolster their confidence.
Their shared glowing resume promises that each celebrity has the proper support in order to shine on the ice.
Judges and Mentors Provide Variety and Entertainment
Who are the Dancing on Ice 2025 judging panel?
Jason Gardiner: The flamboyant critic turned judge with a big personality and comments to match.
Nadia Sawalha: With a mix of scorn and sincerity, she gives contestants fair advice.
Former Olympic skater Owen Hart provides technical insights and has high standards for performances.
Mentors will join throughout the season to provide additional training and advice to elevate the competition. Excited fans await Dancing on Ice mentors.
Why Dancing on Ice Works as a Show
Dancing on Ice’s enduring popularity is down to several factors:
Breathtaking Performing: The integration of newly-mixed music, choreography, and ice skating make for sensational routines that are visually awesome.
Celebrity Appeal: Fans love seeing their favorite stars take on new challenges and showcase different talents. Dancing on Ice resonates with its audience.
Inner Growth: Bet on a show about overcoming adversities and you come away feeling better.
Interactive Voting: At home voters are instrumental in deciding who stays and who goes, creating a real sense of community.
When and Where to Watch
Dancing on Ice 2025 will run on Tuesdays on ITV from January 15 and then every Saturday at 8 PM. And in what can only be described as a bonus for fans, full episodes and exclusive behind-the-scenes access will be available on the ITV Hub, which means devotees can get their fix all season long. There’s plenty of excitement surrounding Dancing on Ice this year.