The BBC drama Life on Mars, by bringing Detective Sam Tyler from 2006 back to 1973, captured an audience. The show cleverly interwove crime procedural archetypes with science fiction tropes, resulting in a story that captivated audiences across global markets.
The Origins of ‘Life on Mars’
Debuting in 2006, “Life on Mars” gave audiences DCI Sam Tyler, played by John Simm. When a car accident sends Tyler, a patrol officer with a past, back to 1973 Manchester, he finds policing methods that violently clash with his own. It provided a window into how law enforcement and societal standards changed over the course of three decades.
International versions and legacy
The show’s unique premise inspired numerous international adaptations. South Korea had its version in 2018, led by Jung Kyung-ho. This adaptation earned widespread praise for its faithful and culturally sensitive portrayal of the original narrative.
Set in New York City, the American adaptation provided a very different take on the time-traveling detective yarn. This newer series, set in a distinct location, retains the original’s engaging common themes.
Potential Follow-Up: “Lazarus”
In April 2020, co-creator Matthew Graham announced a tentative sequel titled Lazarus. This series would hopefully allow us to revisit the characters in both the ’70s and ’80s, examining the back half of their stories. But by June 2023, Graham announced that because of financial issues, “Lazarus” had been canceled.
Recent Developments
The show may have been cancelled but its legacy lives on. In November 2023, BFI Southbank hosted a reading of the “Lazarus” pilot script. Feedback has been positive, and fans travelled far to be there, including co-writer Ashley Pharoah who stayed behind for a Q & A.
Cast Updates
John Simm, the actor who played Sam Tyler, recently appeared in an episode of ITV’s DNA Journey. After the show aired, he learned the man he thought was his father was not his biological father. That revelation hit Simm hard, providing a personal twist worthy of the kind of curve balls that have defined “Life on Mars.”
Enduring Appeal
Beloved for its gripping storytelling, ‘Life on Mars’ explores themes of identity and reality. It cemented itself as one of the best in TV history with its genre-spanning richness and inviting themes.