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Most Common Exhibiting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Most Common Exhibiting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Exhibiting can bring great benefits to your company if it’s done right. You can gain brand awareness, generate leads with face-to-face marketing, assess competitors and meet experts in the industry. However, the whole process takes a large investment of time and money, so it’s important that it’s successful! 

Read on for the solutions to five common exhibiting mistakes: cluttered stand graphics, closed body language, unsustainable branding, not promoting your appearance, and not following up on leads! 

Mistake 1 – Cluttered Stand Graphics

Exhibitors often make the mistake of cramming too much information onto their stand graphics. While it’s important to convey key messages, an overload of text can dilute the impact of the branding. Guests want to know what you do immediately, so your stand should communicate this clearly and quickly. A glance at your stand can be the difference between visitors coming to speak to you, or ignoring you entirely. 

So, what information should be on your stand and where should additional marketing messages go? Generally, your stand should feature only minimal text indicating a few key benefits of your products and services. Your company name should be placed higher on the stand for visibility, and descriptive text should be lower. Allow plenty of “negative space” on the brand. Negative space is the space between text and images. These gaps make key messages stand out and stop the stand from looking chaotic. 

If you have lots of additional information to share with visitors and guests print it in pamphlets and literature to hand out! These pamphlets can still be displayed on the stand through showcases or on a stand counter. 

These tips will ensure your exhibition stand impresses guests and prevents key messages from getting lost in a sea of information! 

Mistake 2 – Closed Body Language 

The second most common mistake is displaying an unapproachable body language. Exhibiting requires a large investment of time and money. The last thing you want is to miss business opportunities because of bad body language. 

Often guests at exhibitions are nervous or apprehensive to initiate conversations. As the person aiming to make a sale, it’s important to step up. Feeling nervous starting conversations is natural, but a welcoming, smiley, and friendly approach will do wonders for your brand. As soon as a person looks interested, invite them in for a chat.

As well as affecting the number of leads generated, body language also influences how people perceive your brand. Exhibitions allow you to put a face to your company, so make sure it’s positive! 

Consider forming your exhibition team with members from various departments to bring different skill sets to the table. Having a mix of marketing and sales professionals can be highly effective. Regular practice can help improve confidence at exhibitions. Encourage your team to strategise individual roles at the show to maintain focus, and play to each other’s strengths.

Mistake 3 – Not Choosing a Sustainable Stand as a Sustainable Brand

It’s important for companies to use an exhibition stand that aligns with their sustainability claims, otherwise, these claims appear disingenuous. 

Many businesses promote the sustainability of their products with a custom-built stand. This is problematic as custom-builds are one-use and generate significant waste. Previously these stands have been justified based on recyclable materials but nowadays there are much better, more sustainable, reusable options. 

UK exhibition stand design and build contractor, Quadrant2Design, offer modular, reconfigurable, and reusable stands. These stands provide great design flexibility and are completely customisable for your brand. Moreover, since they are reconfigurable, the stands can look different for every event!

Mistake 4 – Not Promoting Your Appearance at a Show

It’s important to promote your show appearance to reach prospective and current clients. Exhibitions provide excellent opportunities to connect with new customers, but it’s important not to overlook the chance to engage with existing clients. Existing clients often appreciate the opportunity to meet members of your company in person. They may also be open to hearing about your new products or services! 

Use social media and email marketing to share your presence at a show. You can even share promotional deals or offer insight into your exhibition to generate buzz around your presence.

Mistake 5 – Not Following Up After the Show

Throughout the show, companies network and collect leads through business cards, email exchanges, social media or QR codes leading to contact pages. Gathering these leads creates opportunities for continued engagement post-show. 

Once the show is over, it’s important to promptly follow up on your generated leads to convert them into real business opportunities and keep the momentum going. Send personalised follow-up emails, or phone the leads you have collected. Personalisation is key here – referencing any specific discussions or interactions you had with the individual during the show can help make your follow-up more impactful.

Consider offering something of value in your follow-up, such as additional information about your products or services, a special post-show promotion, or an invitation to a demonstration or consultation. This can help keep your brand fresh in their minds! 


So, there you have it, a guide to solving the most common exhibiting mistakes! Keep your stand graphics impactful, your demeanour welcoming, and your stand sustainable. Make sure you inform existing clients about your presence at a show and finally, follow up, follow up, follow up! Remember, exhibitions can be a valuable investment for your company if approached thoughtfully and strategically. 

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