Usually, when you think of a nun, you think of a woman wearing a uniform which is called a habit. But, the detail and difference in nuns’ outfit is quite the interesting story which varies from order to order. The book “Looking Good: A Nun’s Habit” talks about it with the reader on a journey through the meaning and the making of these garments.
Components of the Nun’s Habit
A nun’s outfit is not just a dress but a collage of symbols, traditions and identities. Everything in the dress has meaning which depicts the respective mission and values of the habit.
The tunic serves as the foundational garment. A long loose fitting robe which reaches the ankle symbolizes modesty and humility. The practical design allows the nuns to perform their daily routines easily in their nuns outfit.
The scapular is a long piece of cloth worn over the tunic that hangs from the shoulders, front and back. Initially, it served as an apron to keep the tunic clean while working. Over time, it became a symbol of commitment and service in the traditional nuns outfit.
The cincture is a belt or cord tied around the waist. Its material and style can vary between orders. For example, the cord worn by Franciscan nuns has knots symbolizing their poverty, chastity and obedience vows. It is an integral part of the nuns outfit.
Coif and Veil
The coif is a close-fitting cap worn over the neck and head; it often has a veil. The color and length of the veil indicate the order and stage of the nun. For instance, a novice might wear a white veil and a professed nun a black one. These elements are key aspects of the nuns outfit.
Rosary and Medals
Many nun uniforms have a rosary or unique medals held by the belts or scapulars. All these items are used for prayers and signify the nun’s spiritual commitments.
Variations Across Orders
The overall components of a habit remain the same but the details and style differ with each order. These variations highlight the diversity within the nuns outfit across different orders.
Dominican Nuns
Dominican nuns historically wear a white outfit paired with a black veil. This color scheme symbolizes purity and penance. The simplicity of their dress reflects their dedication to preaching and teaching, making their nuns outfit unique.
Carmelite Nuns
Carmelite nuns wear brown habits symbolizing their humility and connection with earth. Their white mantles signify purity, and the brown color shows their commitment to prayer. This combination creates a distinctive nuns outfit.
Daughters of Charity
In the past, the Daughters of Charity used to wear a cornette, which was a big winged cap made of starched white stuff. The Daughters of Charity stood out from other nuns by not wearing a habit, but a unique dress in their specific nuns outfit.
Modern Adaptations and Perceptions
In recent decades, many religious groups have modified their outfits to reflect modern times, as they still incorporate symbolic elements. Some religious orders have simplified their uniforms, and some have adopted simple clothes so that they can blend into the community.
“Looking Good: A Visual Guide to the Nun’s Habit,” the book presents a pictorial exploration of these garments. The book showcases through pictures and descriptions the many changes and importance of the habit worn by the nun on the outside. It also shows how some orders have simplified their habits, and others take on modest civilian clothing to become one with the community.
By knowing the history of the nuns’ outfit, you can understand more about the traditions it represents. It shows how clothing can be a representation of life.