What Are the Main Features of Proxies


The world has been transforming at a rapid pace since time immemorial. At times, we feel that technology cannot progress further from where it stands today. 

However, digitalization is here for good, and we’re bound to experience consistent development in the technological world. 

With the rise of the internet, people encountered privacy issues and geo-restrictions. Nonetheless, proxies were introduced soon to overcome the online security and data issues. But proxies must transform along the internet, and it did happen so. 

The IPv4 address is increasingly getting replaced with IPv6 via IPv6 proxy. Learn more about proxies and how they are evolving with time. 

What Are Proxies?

A proxy is an intermediary between the user and the internet. It acts like a gateway, separating the end users from the website they visit. 

Proxies can provide different levels of use cases, functionality, and privacy depending on your needs. 

When connected to a proxy server, the internet traffic moves through the server before reaching the requested address. The request then returns via the same proxy server and sends you the data received from the site. 

However, one may wonder why there is a need to connect to a proxy server anyway? 

Proxies today do more than just forward web requests. In fact, they act as a web filter and cache data to improve the speed of the requests. 

A reliable proxy server also keeps your online data safe by altering your IP address. 

Pros and Cons of Proxies 

Proxies are here to provide better security and anonymity. However, there’s no rose without a thorn, and the case isn’t any different with proxy servers. You’re bound to encounter a few problems using conventional proxy servers. 

We’ll enlist some pros and cons of proxies below. 


  • Parents and organizations can set up proxy servers to track the activities of their children and employees. This will keep children from accessing inappropriate websites and employees from wasting time accessing specific sites.
  • Proxy servers can cache primary websites, sending you the saved copy. So, when numerous employees visit the same site, the proxy server will only send a single request. As a result, your network performance will improve. 
  • You can browse the internet without worrying about anyone monitoring your activity. A proxy server will alter your IP, keeping the site from accessing your data or tracking your online work.
  • You can access geo-restricted sites by connecting to a reliable proxy server. It will change your IP, tricking the site into believing the traffic is coming from another location. 


  • When connected to an unreliable proxy server, you might encounter IP bans. It happens because a site recognizes specific IP addresses and blocks them when they notice repeated traffic from those IPs. 
  • You may receive error messages which indicate your PC isn’t configured for the proxy you’re trying to connect to. 
  • Oftentimes, you simply fail to connect to the proxy server. This generally happens because of an unexpected error. You can always fix the error by disconnecting the proxy and re-connecting it.

Core Use Cases for Proxies

Premium proxies can help individuals and businesses alike. People, for instance, can access blocked content. Companies, on the other hand, can conduct market research and protect sensitive business data. 

We’ll shed light on a few use cases of proxies below. 

Brand Protection 

There’s nothing more critical to a business than its reputation. Fortunately, proxies allow you to add a protection layer against data breaches. This way, you can control brand reputation risks and keep hackers from accessing your sensitive content. 

The more reliable the proxy, the less vulnerable your data is to breaches and risks. 

Price Monitoring 

Protecting data isn’t enough to do well in a competitive landscape. To set a competitive market price and sell your product and services, you must be familiar with the latest product prices. Luckily, you can extract the price data using proxy servers. 

Market Research

The business world is transforming rapidly, and you must acquire relevant market information to stay ahead of the competition. However, many websites implement web scraping restrictions, keeping you from accessing valuable market data. 

Luckily, proxies can help you harvest online data and evaluate it to drive meaningful insight and alter your business practices for the better. 

Ad Verification

You can boost ad performance by detecting fraudulent activities. Proxies let you identify fraudulent marketing practices like fake traffic and anything that may harm your reputation. 

You can also use tools to analyze the ads you’ve executed previously. It’ll help you tweak your practices for positive results in the future. 

What Is IPv6? 

An IPv6 proxy is a tool that translates IPv4 to IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6). It captures the traffic and translates the used protocols to ensure organizations and ISPs connect and process appropriate traffic. 

The addresses of IPv6 are 128 bits in length – 4 times longer than usual. In simple words, they can support more IP addresses than IPv4, giving them an edge over the latter.  

IPv6 also provides better speeds by supporting multicast, unlike broadcast in IPv4. This allows bandwidth-intensive packet flows to reach several destinations simultaneously. 

Likewise, its routing efficiency and security are better. 


The digital world is transforming rapidly to improve the online experience, reliance, and security. IPv6 proxy is another player in the field, offering functionality better than the conventional IPv4. 

However, you must invest in a high-quality proxy to maximize functionality and benefit from its diverse use cases. 

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