The historic argument between Ferruccio Lamborghini and Enzo Ferrari is one of the most well-known stories in the history of the automobile industry. Ferruccio Lamborghini, the son of a grape farmer, became wealthy after World War II by producing tractors and air conditioners. He was able to buy a fleet of luxury vehicles, and it was believed that he used a new one every day of the week. Lamborghini made the trip to Maranello, Italy, to buy a Ferrari in 1958. Later, he acquired even more of them.

According to the legend, Ferruccio’s Ferrari 250 GT had a persistent clutch problem and had to be sent back to Ferrari for servicing. While waiting in line again, Lamborghini decided to see Enzo Ferrari and tell “il Commendatore” how unhappy he was with Ferrari’s after-sale service and overall product quality.

Ferrari listened intently before informing Lamborghini, “The clutch is not the problem,” in a way that only the legendary and acerbic Enzo Ferrari could. Your lack of Ferrari-driving experience is a major problem. Use tractors only. To put it another way…

Lamborghini was so offended by Ferrari’s dismissive that he pledged never to buy one of their cars again and instead promised to demonstrate to the company “how a sports car has to be” by building his own and demonstrating it to them. Automobili Lamborghini opened its doors for business in St. Agata Bolognese, a suburb of Maranello, in 1963.

Review by Gabriel-Byrne of the upcoming film Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend (2022).


There is no doubt that certain details have been greatly exaggerated over the years, as is typically the case with tales of such epic competition. Still, you’d think the crew behind a movie about these events would try to get as many facts right as they possibly could. If only it were true in this situation.

It’s hard not to be bitterly disappointed by how obviously wrong certain essential elements are in Lamborghini: The Man behind The Legend, despite how well it’s packaged, shot, and promoted. After all, car enthusiasts are the film’s clear target audience.

Frank Grillo, who plays the lead, tries hard to sound like an Italian while playing the role of Ferruccio Lamborghini, but he has trouble with the accent and with cutting his food properly. What’s more, why does he quote Frank Sintara after unveiling the first Lamborghini at an event that’s supposed to take place at the Geneva Motor Show but seems more like it’s taking place in a village hall?

When you want to be somebody, you purchase a Ferrari,” he said, “Ol’ Blue Eyes.” Those that want to be taken seriously invest on Lamborghinis. It wasn’t until he visited the Lamborghini facility in 1969 that he spoke such words. In 1963, Lamborghini debuted the 350 GTV (not the 350GT) in Turin.

It’s fair to say that Grillo isn’t the only one who has trouble communicating because of his accent. Gabriel Byrne gives a performance as Enzo Ferrari that is as Irish as it gets, while Patrick Brennan, as Lamborghini’s first test-driver, New Zealander Bob Wallace, sounds like he was born somewhere else entirely. He only has a few lines, which is a relief.

Film Critic Mira-Sorvino Reviews “Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend”

“Raft of mistakes”

The wave of inaccuracies increases as the movie goes. We see the introduction of Lamborghini’s first engine, which is unmistakably a Ferrari unit. Ferruccio grumbles, “I don’t like the carburettors” when talking about Grillo’s vehicle. We expected as much. There is a Ferrari 246 Dino, which didn’t come out until 1968, parked outside the new Lamborghini car factory in what is supposed to be 1963, and Ferruccio Lamborghini drives a Ferrari 250 California, even though he never owned one. And why is it a Miura that Ferruccio is sketching on a napkin as he sits alone at supper following yet another dispute with his long-suffering second wife, played convincingly by Miro Sorvino?

The Miura, the first mid-engined masterpiece from Lamborghini, was designed by Marcelo Gandini. All Lamborghini enthusiasts are aware of this.

In addition, there are frequent flashbacks to a made-up race between Byrne’s Enzo Ferrari and Grillo’s Ferrucio Lamborghini, in which Ferrari drives a Mondial and Lamborghini runs what is unmistakably an American spec Countach. Why? The road signs are clearly printed in English, so why are the two most renowned Italians speeding along it?

After watching the entire 90 minutes of Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend, I, along with every other Lamborghini lover in the world, can say with regret that this story deserved a much greater telling. This terrible movie is ridiculous for all the wrong reasons.

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