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How To Prepare Your Home For A Heatwave This Summer

We are only a few months away from Summer 2023 and if last Summer was anything to base things off, we’re likely in line for another scorching Summer this year. While the weather may not hit the 40 Celsius mark again this year you should be prepared for an uncomfortably warm snap this year nonetheless.

While you still have a few months before the heatwaves hit the country, it is now the perfect time to get your home ready to cope with the heat before everyone else has the same idea, we saw last Summer that as the heatwave hit people across the country all rushed to buy cooling fans, air conditioners and window shades at the same time, causing shortages, which left some people sat in the heat with no protection.

So, this year you should get a jump on the heatwave and get your home set up before everyone and their dog buys what you’ll need to keep your home cool. What will you need to ensure your home doesn’t get too hot this year?

Sort Out Your Shading

To protect your home from the harsh Summer heat, you should make sure that your shading situation is up to scratch, especially for South facing rooms and spaces with large windows. Having appropriate shading on your windows will help reduce the amount of outside heat that makes it way into your home during the day, keeping your house nice and cool.

For the shading, you should look at thick made to measure blinds which will provide a layer of protection to your home, but you can take your shading to the next level by using Solar Reflective blinds, these blinds have a reflective backing, which will bounce heat rays away from your windows, to help keep the heat out.

Concentrate On Cooling

Now that you have your home properly shaded, you don’t have to worry about your home getting too hot, but you will probably want to invest in some cooling options, so that you can comfortably mull about your home even on the hottest days of Summer.

If you have the money for it, an air conditioning system will work wonders in your home, allowing you to keep your home comfortably cool all day long and as a bonus, the AC system will also increase your home’s value. If installing an AC system is out of your budget though, you can look into purchasing mini portable AC units, or an evaporative cooler, which cools the air in your home by filtering it through chilled water.

Build Up A Breeze

There are few better sensations you can experience than the feel of a gentle breeze on a hot Summers day, while it can be tempting to open up your windows on a hot day to let in a breeze, this will only make your home hotter as warm air pours into your home through the open windows.

So, rather than opening a window for a breeze, you should invest in some fans to use in your home. You don’t need anything too fancy, a simple tower fan or standing fan from your local hardware store should be perfectly adequate at providing a nice cool breeze for you.

Now you’re ready to get through what looks to be another warm Summer without cracking a sweat, just remember the closer to Summer you get, the more expensive and hard to find everything mentioned in this article will be, so act now before the big rush and enjoy your lovely cool home, while your neighbours all rush to the nearest Argos!

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