People believe a robber emoji exists, but researchers explain why this isn’t the case


From smiley faces to thumbs up, emoji now form a part of many people’s day-to-day conversations.

There are currently over 3,300 emoji in the Unicode Consortium, and it seems that many emoji-users are convinced that a robber character is one of them.

However, experts have confirmed that a robber emoji has never existed, and instead it’s a Mandela Effect – a phenomenon in which a large group of people believe something occurred when it did not.

Twitter user @dinasimp mocked up a picture of the supposed burglar emoji, and shared it on Twitter this week, writing: “I swear this emoji existed.”

Several users replied, agreeing that they’d definitely seen the emoji before.

One user said: “Did we all just collectively imagine this s*** existed??? bcs i swear it did..”

Another said: “Swear to god the robber emoji existed, along side a flip flop and a hiker. WHERE DID THEY GO ???”

And one joked: “I specifically remember using that emoji like 3 years ago in some stupid argument WHERE DID IT GO.”

Emojipedia has now confirmed that the robber emoji never existed, tweeting: “This was never an emoji what is wrong with y’all.”

While you may remember the robber emoji, the memory is likely a result of the Mandela Effect.

The phenomenon occurs when several people remember something incorrectly, but their recollection becomes the accepted version.

It got its name when Fiona Broome, a self-identified ‘paranormal consultant’, became convinced that Nelson Mandela had died in Robben Island prison in the 1980s – when in fact he died in 2013 at his home in Houghton.

Other examples include people remembering ET saying ‘ET phone home’, when he actually said ‘ET home phone’, and the belief that the famous The Thinker statue depicts a man with his fist to his forehead, rather than his chin.

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