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Team-building strategy in the face of struggling technical debt

Team-building strategy in the face of struggling technical debt

Effective team building is crucial for organizations to thrive, but it can be a challenging endeavor when burdened with technical debt. Technical debt refers to the accumulated inefficiencies and suboptimal practices in software development that impede progress and hinder innovation. In such circumstances, software development outsourcing emerges as a viable solution. This article explores the concept of technical debt, its impact on team building, and highlights the benefits of leveraging software development outsourcing as a strategic approach to address technical debt while fostering a strong and efficient team.

Understanding Technical Debt

Technical debt is the consequence of choosing suboptimal solutions during software development, often driven by time constraints or business pressures. It accumulates when shortcuts, such as postponing refactoring or using outdated technologies, are taken, leading to increased complexity, reduced flexibility, and higher maintenance costs. Technical debt not only hampers team productivity and morale but also limits the organization’s ability to innovate and respond to market demands effectively.

There are many strategies for dealing with technology debt: implementing DevOps working methodologies or using code refactoring. However, none of them will succeed without the right competencies in your team, especially if you have to deal not only with technology debt, but also with ongoing projects. 

Team Building Strategy: Fostering Collaboration and Cohesion

Building a cohesive and high-performing team is essential for organizations to thrive, especially in the face of technical debt. Implementing a well-defined team building strategy can help foster collaboration, enhance communication, and maximize the potential of the team members. 

When developing a team building strategy amidst technical debt, it is important to address both the technical challenges and the dynamics within the team. Here are some key components to consider:

  1. Assessment and Evaluation: Begin by conducting a thorough assessment of the existing technical debt. Evaluate the impact of the debt on the team’s productivity, efficiency, and ability to scale. This evaluation will help determine the specific areas that need attention during the team expansion process.
  2. Skillset Alignment: Identify the skills and expertise required to address the technical debt and align them with the new team members being brought on board. Ensure that the expanded team has the necessary skills to effectively manage and reduce technical debt while maintaining project progress.
  3. Clear Roles and Responsibilities: Define clear roles and responsibilities for both existing and new team members. Clearly communicate expectations regarding the management of technical debt and ensure that each team member understands their specific role in addressing it.
  4. Onboarding and Training: Provide comprehensive onboarding and training programs for new team members to familiarize them with the existing technical debt and the strategies in place to manage it. Offer training sessions on relevant tools, processes, and best practices to ensure a smooth integration and efficient collaboration.
  5. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Foster a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members. Encourage the sharing of experiences, lessons learned, and best practices related to addressing technical debt. Establish mechanisms such as regular meetings, code reviews, and documentation to facilitate effective collaboration.
  6. Incremental Approach: Adopt an incremental approach to tackle technical debt while expanding the team. Break down the debt into manageable chunks and prioritize them based on their impact and urgency. This allows new team members to gradually contribute to debt reduction efforts while keeping the project on track.
  7. Agile Practices: Implement agile practices and methodologies to promote adaptability and flexibility in addressing technical debt during the team expansion process. Embrace practices such as iterative development, continuous integration, and regular retrospectives to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments.

Lack of competence – a challenge in the face of technical debt

As we said, none of the strategies can be implemented effectively if you don’t have the right people on your team to do it. It may also be the case that your team members are too burdened with current projects and don’t have time for additional activities to reduce technology debt. A third example could be the pressure brought on by planned team expansion, which is particularly important when dealing with technology debt.

Things are not made easier by the fact that the market is short of specialized workers. Of course, the IT industry is constantly being injected with new employees, but this is usually for junior positions, not specialized or senior ones. 

Unfortunately, despite the widespread opinion that programmers are plentiful on the market, finding a highly qualified employee can be difficult. 

How to find the right employee for your IT team

We want to show you two alternatives that you can successfully implement into your team building strategy. In addition, they will be effective if you are measuring yourself against technology debt, as they will significantly speed up the recruitment process. 

Permanent recruitment

Outsourcing permanent recruitment is a dynamic strategic approach that has achieved much popularity in today’s highly competitive labor market. Because companies are constantly striving to attract top talent and improve their recruitment processes, outsourcing permanent recruitment has become a worthwhile solution. This practice involves cooperating with third-party recruiting service agencies or specialized professional talent acquisition firms to handle all aspects of permanent staff recruitment.

Software Development Outsourcing

Software development outsourcing services are a team-building method worth including in your team-building strategy. Why? Because it allows you to focus on your core business while increasing productivity and reducing costs associated with software development. There are many benefits to working with a software outsourcing team; for example, it can reduce the salary, training and infrastructure costs associated with maintaining a team of in-house developers. 

But most importantly, Software Development Outsourcing allows you to quickly acquire the right competencies for your team. Outsourcing companies usually specialize in specific industries or even technologies. This allows them to find exactly the right person you need! Specialists or an entire technology team can join your in-house staff for a specific period of time, so you don’t have to worry about straining your budget.


Additionally, organizations should consider acquiring new competences and expertise to strengthen their teams in the face of struggling technical debt. This can be achieved through various means, including software development outsourcing as an agile method. Outsourcing can bring specialized skills and knowledge to the team, helping to address specific technical debt challenges more effectively. By partnering with external experts, organizations can leverage their experience and insights to augment the capabilities of their internal teams, promoting faster debt reduction and knowledge transfer. This combination of internal and outsourced talent can foster a dynamic and adaptable team environment, equipped with the necessary competences to tackle technical debt head-on.

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