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The Main Questions About Anxiety Disorders

Life in a big city creates special conditions, forms a specific environment for human life. The city provides a wealth of opportunities for self-realization and development of individual creative lifestyles, and on the other hand, places increased demands on the human nervous system. The pace of life, high competitive environment, lack of positive emotions, like those you get at a top online casino in Canada, multitasking, speed of information processing and decision making create higher requirements for mental stability. A person simply doesn’t have time to get satisfaction from his activity, his achievements and life as a whole.

What Can It Lead to?

The formation of anxiety disorders. They are often interrelated with other conditions: endogenous depression, asthenic disorders, bipolar, affective and obsessive-compulsive disorders, alcohol, nicotine and drug addiction, chronic fatigue and others. For example, half of those who seek treatment for alcohol addiction suffer from anxiety disorders. According to studies in the U.S., about 10% of all those surveyed suffer from one type of anxiety disorder, and 5-9% of them have alcoholism. Among those who had an anxiety disorder, 12.6% had used alcohol at least once in the past year to relieve their anxiety. Behavioral disorders caused by alcohol abuse can mask symptoms of anxiety and depressive disorders, and patients with anxiety disorders do not report alcohol dependence.

A study was conducted in the Netherlands involving 2,329 people with anxiety disorders. Alcohol dependence was detected in 20.3% of the subjects.

Smokers, too, often justify their habit with stress.

The craving for smoking is indeed often driven by the desire to relieve stress. Although smoking does not reduce stress, but rather increases it. Anxiety is relieved for a short time, then it builds up again, forming a vicious circle. It’s better not to start smoking at all or to try to find a way to quit the bad habit by reducing the amount of nicotine-containing products consumed. If you cannot quit altogether, you should replace regular cigarettes with smokeless alternatives. In this way, it’s possible to reduce the levels of harmful substances produced by the smoke of regular cigarettes.

How Do You Deal With Anxiety Disorders?

A combination of therapy and pharmacotherapy. Therapy allows you to find the psychological mechanisms of the disease, to resolve internal contradictions, to develop new and effective skills of interaction with others, and other emotional patterns of response and behavior. Gives the patient an opportunity to adjust perspective goals and objectives, to accept his/her illness and its prognosis, and to adapt to treatment.

Active participation of the person himself, his motivation and readiness for change are very important. Pharmacotherapy also comes to the rescue. Psychotropic agents allow you to reduce depression and anxiety, allowing you to better understand the nature of disorders. Disturbing symptoms decrease, and the feeling of helplessness decreases.

What Are the Types of Anxiety Disorders

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

The patient suffers from constant unreasonable or exaggerated fears and worries about his or her family, health, work, or financial well-being. This disorder develops independently of a specific life event and is thus not reactive.


In this case, anxiety is associated with certain situations (situational anxiety arising in response to the presentation of a stimulus) and is accompanied by an avoidance reaction.

There are three types of phobias:

  • Simple phobias.
  • Sociophobia.
  • Agoraphobia.

Simple phobias include fear of snakes, spiders, darkness, thunderstorms, heights, etc. Because of simple phobias, patients usually don’t seek medical attention and treatment is usually not required.

The patient with social phobia constantly fears situations that could make him the object of intense scrutiny by others. He tries to avoid any actions that could put him in a humiliating or ridiculous position. This feeling occurs to the person in crowded places. The difficulties experienced by social phobia sufferers have a significant impact on their personal and professional lives.

With agoraphobia, patients avoid being away from home, in crowded places, in unfamiliar rooms; they especially hardly tolerate underground transport – the subway. Agoraphobic patients fear the occurrence of panic attacks, are afraid to faint or simply lose their temper in these places. They come to the doctor accompanied by relatives; their social activity is severely limited due to the inability to be outside the house.

Obsessive-compulsive Disorder

This type of disorder includes a compulsive and a compulsive component. The obsessive component is characterized by the prevalence of intrusive, repetitive ideas which the patient is unable to suppress himself. Among such ideas, fear of pollution accompanied by constant doubt is the most typical. The compulsive component is the repeated stereotypical actions performed by the patient in response to the obsession. Such actions have the character of a ritual which has the purpose to neutralize the obsession. The most frequent ritual actions are repeated washing of hands, various kinds of double-checks, exaggerated accuracy and a desire to count.

Reactive Forms of Anxiety Disorders

This form of anxiety disorder is “tied” to a specific stressful situation in family life, social or professional activities. In other words, it’s an excessive, inadequate or painful reaction to a life event. In some cases, reactive anxiety disorder may be the result of anxiety about a medical condition, with a connection to a serious illness. Reactive anxiety disorder as a response to acute stress – post-traumatic stress disorder – has been described. This type has recently been encountered quite often and is formed as a result of exceptional, life-threatening circumstances: earthquakes, plane crashes, hostage-taking of the patient or his or her relatives.

Anxiety and Depression

The differential diagnosis between depression and anxiety is difficult to make in some cases because the mental symptoms of anxiety and depression are largely similar and overlap each other. With the long-term existence of an anxiety disorder, a patient develops depression, which is often accompanied by symptoms such as chronic pain syndrome, weight loss, sleep disorders, etc., which can worsen the condition of patients with anxiety disorders. Thus, a vicious circle develops: the prolonged existence of anxiety causes the development of depression, and depression intensifies symptoms of anxiety. The combination of anxiety and depression is noted in 70% of patients.

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