Tips On How To Choose A Mobility Scooter


Account For Your Personal Needs

Will you need a specific type of seat or extra legroom? Think about looking for mobility scooters that include more suspension or maximum weight restrictions if you are suffering from back problems. 

Think About How Many Wheels You Would Like And The Type Of Tire

Scooters with 3 wheels are much easier to operate, especially in compact spaces, while other people prefer 4 wheels since it provides extra stability. When renting or purchasing one of the mobility scooters, consider the type of tires. Do you prefer pneumatic or solid tires? Pneumatic tires provide more suspension which promotes a much smoother ride, but similar to any other air-filled tire, they are at a higher risk when it comes to punctures. 

If you plan to use a Mobility Scooter indoors, check on the width of the scooter against the door sizes to make sure you are going to fit through. When outdoors, do you plan to mainly ride on pavements, or will you need something suitable for other terrains? 

How Far Do You Plan To Travel On A Mobility Scooter?

You need to ensure that the “range” of the Mobility Scooter will cover the distance that you regularly travel. Factors like your weight, hills and the battery could impact the range of the scooter so ensure that you are aware of all these considerations when you assess traveling distances. 

Test Before You Buy

Shop around and make sure you try out different mobility scooter styles so that you can find one that suits you before you purchase. A Disabled Living Center or A Mobility Center can offer guidance or even training on choosing and using a Mobility Scooter. 

You can also hire the model you prefer or a version that is similar from Shopmobility in your area before you make a decision on the scooter you would like to buy. Prices vary a lot from one place to the next, so make sure you compare prices to find the best deals. Click here to find out more.

Prepare Questions

Once you have decided on a Mobility Scooter prepare a list of questions for the supplier or retailer. Some good questions to ask may include: Will the scooter come assembled? When can I expect delivery? Is there a warranty or guarantee? How do I arrange for repairs? Is it easy to get spare parts when needed?

Make Sure That You Feel Safe

When test-driving a Mobility Scooter, you should feel secure when you operate it. This is why you should find an area that is safe to practice in before you head out alone. Considerations to keep in mind include how it feels to drive, and does the steering feel tiring. If it does you might need something lighter or smaller.

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