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The Top 3 Potty Training Methods for Puppies

Potty Training Methods for puppies

That brings us to the 20th century, when it was pretty generally agreed that dogs evolved from gray wolves which had been captured as puppies and domesticated over a long period of time.

Puppy potty training is not something that most inexperienced pet care taker know about, once they bought in their brand new puppies!

There’s nothing to be worry about or stress out over if you’re a first-time dog and puppy potty-trainer. Or in other words dogs are clean animals as a general rule of thumb, it is just up to you (please take control) and some ways or waiting.

Keep reading for a beginner-level discourse on puppy potty training methods.

Crate Training

One of the common potty training methods for puppies is called crate training, this method uses a special gated in area or kennel to help funnel your pup towards where they should go when it is time to “go potty”.

When your pup is comfortable in there, close the door and take it for a pee every few hours! If your puppy has an accident in the crate do not punish them as this will only make training harder.

Positive Reinforcement

Here are the top three puppy house training methods: 1. Positive reinforcement This technique is simply reward, and praise your puppy when they do their needs in the correct place.

Rewards may include treats, petting and play with toys. Use treats: To help your puppy go to the correct place every time, put some tasty treats there and reward them when they use it. As they begin to catch on you would cut back more and more, eventually moving to just verbal praise.

Just remember to be consistent and patient with your puppy as potty training can take a bit of time. If you are still having problems after a couple weeks, or maybe even months, try some other ways of potty training.

Consistent Schedules

One of the top puppy potty training methods are consistent schedules. This method is based on the regular need of a puppy to eliminate. Puppies can identify the spot as a potty area when they are being taken there every day at the same times.

In addition, you can also teach your puppy verbal phrases when it is potty time. Of course, it all comes down to repetition – the more frequently your puppy is taken to that one location, the quicker he will pick up on it being his potty spot.

Regular potty breaks teach your pup when to go, which will prevent accidents. Consistency in scheduling helps your puppy pick up potty training and better habits faster.

Top Potty Training Methods

How to Use the Potty Training Techniques Today

The top 3 puppy potty training methods are crate training, positive reinforcement, and consistent schedules. Keep to a routine;& make those plans and schedules.

When she goes outside to the correct spot, reward her with a treat. House training your dog requires time, energy and repetition. In the end, these techniques will lead you to success potty training.

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