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After death, how to insure an empty house

It is always possible to obtain a policy that pays out in the event of the homeowner’s death in the case of home insurance. In accordance with tradition, a probate period applies during which the home is ultimately disposed of. The home insurance policy of the deceased property may be transferred to the surviving spouse, but there is no guarantee this will happen. There is also the possibility that the house will remain unoccupied after the deceased passes away. 

If a house is empty after a person dies, can it be insured? If you own an unoccupied house and it is no longer occupied, your home insurance may soon become void and you will need to obtain short-term house insurance to prevent the property from being harmed. You can find more information at

Is it possible to insure a house as an executor?

In addition to insurance, an executor can also provide care for the home of the deceased. For more information, please refer to the executor checklist.

Probate – what is it?

The probate process involves the legal proof of the deceased’s will during a specific period of time. A testament or will that is proved to be valid and true is called a proved will. The process is usually straightforward for most, but if the will is disputed by a third party, it can become prolonged. During the probate process, there is a special insurance policy called probate house insurance.

Is it possible to insure the house of a deceased person?

In the event that you inherit a house, you will need to take out your own insurance policy and not be covered by the one-time owner’s policy. Taking out probate house insurance for an unoccupied property, also known as empty house insurance, is required if you do not plan to live in the home.

What is the cost of insurance for an unoccupied home?

It’s expensive to insure an unoccupied house, and for obvious reasons. We discuss these risks in our article on UK short-term house insurance in our article on unoccupied properties.

Here are 3 steps to ensuring your house will be left empty after you die

There are steps you can take to insure an empty home after the owner passes away; for instance, if the house is vacant after the owner died. The following sections explain each step in more detail.

Inspect the home’s current insurance policies

In the event that a new owner or inheritor purchases the house, you may be tempted to believe that the home insurance policies will continue to apply. As a matter of fact, you will not find that to be the case with all insurance companies. Consult the insurance department for information regarding what policies are appropriate for the current state of the house. Normal house insurance policies are null and void if the house was covered by them.

Make sure that your home is insured if it is not occupied

Unoccupied house insurance covers empty houses, so you will probably have to transfer any home insurance policies. It is mandatory to provide evidence of the death of a deceased person prior to making any changes to a policy. Additionally, you will have to provide proper documentation to prove the person who has authority to make the changes. Additionally, check to see if different insurance companies are issuing the policies.

Make contact with your home insurance provider

When you have ascertained that the property is unoccupied by conducting your due diligence, what should you do next? Contact your home insurance provider for advice on the next steps. There are two options available to the current insurer: they can continue with their service or decide to opt out. It will be necessary for you to shop for a new policy if the latter occurs. Make sure you understand the terms and conditions before signing any new contract. It’s important to keep in mind that the policy comes with conditions, such as frequent house visits and high-quality locks.

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